Friday, October 03, 2014

Been to a lunch seminar about Internet of Things

Went to Sogeti Internet of Things seminar on Wednesday lunch.
I made some notes:

Presenter was: @dagpetersson  

  • Electric IMP. Computer, WiFi, inputs for sensors. Very small.
  • iBecon. Localication, triangulation, water resistant.
  • LightBlue Bean. Test card, Temperature sensor, Accelerometer, iBecon. In and output.

IBM MessageSight, uses MQTT protocol. Can support up to 1 miljon devices.

We where also able to test Google glass, very interesting experience.  

1 comment: said...

Medical wastes are extremely dangerous if they are not disposed off correctly. They can harm the sea life if they are disposed there. I would surely use my website and will educate people about this issue there.