To check what version of .Net Core that is installed type:
dotnet --version
Make a root directory for your web application.
mkdir MvcWebAppmove into the folder.
cd MvcWebApp
Create a mvc web application (this step can be changed to create a webapi or empty web application, see the full documentation here:
dotnet new mvclist the created files and folders.
Directory of C:\temp\MvcWebApp
<DIR> .
<DIR> ..
36 .bowerrc
178 appsettings.Development.json
113 appsettings.json
207 bower.json
628 bundleconfig.json
<DIR> Controllers
<DIR> Models
397 MvcWebApp.csproj
<DIR> obj
626 Program.cs
1 428 Startup.cs
<DIR> Views
<DIR> wwwroot
8 File(s) 3 613 bytes
7 Dir(s)